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Training Scroll

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Training Scroll Empty Training Scroll

Post by beautiful_wonder Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:50 pm

We're setting up an 'adopt a trainer'- being new members- much like the main DC site. Anyone interested in learning your way around the site, raising your dragons, breeding and much more, please sign up here. An Elder- moderator- will pm you as soon as we get the chance, we are after all here to take you under our wings and share our knowledge in hopes that one day you too will becomes Elders. Wink

So no one's posted in here yet, i think i'll send another message out :]. This place is for anyone that needs or wants help. Either if it's to raise your dragons, or about this forum or anything else.
Level 4
Level 4

Female Posts : 141
Join date : 2010-09-27
Age : 34
Location : Texas- U.S.

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