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Getting Ready For Halloween

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Getting Ready For Halloween Empty Getting Ready For Halloween

Post by beautiful_wonder Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:18 pm

Home Cave was buzzing with noise and scampering feet, clicking of claws on the rich ground. Parents' wings raised in confusion as little ones raced back and forth through the dens. The Elder Council watched from the ledges above in pleasant amusement, Halloween was coming.
Home Cave was built as a large spiral mountain, the Elder Council's chambers sat at the top, the Hatchery and Nest below. From there were the Guard Dens which lead to the gardens, sides of the mountain had been hallowed out for flying lessons and training. Depths below lay the home dens and below that were the mining caves, and Treasure Hoards. Each part of the mountain was split between the many different races and each part was designed by magic to flourish with each season. The area in which Home Cave stood was enormous, within itself it carried mountains and oceans to forests and deserts. All of this land was hidden from the human eye, no compass could detect and dragons from centuries past built high protecting walls around this land for the safety of the future hatchlings. There were warriors and heroes and legendary dragons which occupied this land, many that stayed at Home Cave, trained the new generations of warriors in case of war. Some left in hopes of a peaceful surrender from the their battle memories. There were no kings nor queens in this land, though many tried to fight for the right, only to be put in their place. Royal blood came from the breeding of Heroes and warriors who became legends and of the pure hearted. Females stayed with the young until their wings began to form, they were then allowed to leave the grounds. Many dragons served jobs in Home Cave too. With warriors there had to be blacksmiths and for food only the most skilled and silent dragons were sent out for hunts. Elves and Dwarfs occupied the land as well and the fearies too. Dwarfs would help in the mining of jewels and gold and with black-smithing. Ancient elves would teach the wise of magicks and translate different languages. Warrior elves were trained in dragon riding and helping the eggs hatch. Fearies would dance in the gardens and play with the hatchlings.
But these few nights, everyone was in a bustle in excitement for Halloween, preparations were being made for the feasts and Ancestors were summoned for rituals. Hatchlings and young dragons were all over the place in search for costumes and treats. Warriors were sent to estranged caves to decorate and the spirits were brought fourth for some good scaring.

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