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Tutorial Page Empty Tutorial Page

Post by beautiful_wonder Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:36 pm

Now before we start spamming this page of how to's, Can we have the students or elders please make a request. I will make a list at the top, displaying to all what is being requested so that we don't have a repeat and we can cross them out when we're finished. :] Any of the artists are allowed to participate only with these requirements.

* You must have introduced yourself under the intro thread.
* you must have posted your art in a thread under Artisist's thread.
* Keep things appropriate, if you have questions, pm me.
* Have fun :] If i see something i don't like, you will be warned.
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Level 4

Female Posts : 141
Join date : 2010-09-27
Age : 35
Location : Texas- U.S.

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